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SNK Neo Geo AES Video Snaps Released Now that Valentine's Day is behind us, it's time to get back to work on our gaming projects. To help you all out I am happy to announce the release of our SNK Neo GEO AES video snaps. For those of you who are unaware the AES was the stupidly overpriced home console version of the Neo Geo MVS that was in the arcades. All videos were recorded using the AES flag in mame and I tried to capture each version that would have a different title screen.
In total the set includes 170 video snaps. As always we have a preview video followed by all the juicy details. Rukovodstvo po ekspluatacii toyota mark 2 gx81.
High Quality Sample High Quality (FTP, Sync) Resolution 640x480 Video Count 170 Total Size 2.09GB Frame Rate 60 Audio 192 kbit/s Standard Quality (Site, FTP, Sync) Resolution 320x240 Video Count 170 Total Size 525MB Frame Rate 30 Audio 128 kbit/s Update your videos today EmuMovies Website (SQ Only) Directly through your front-end or our app using EmuMovies Sync (HQ & SQ) EmuMovies File Server (FTP) (HQ & SQ) View all our updates on the EmuMovies FIles Feed (We only post a handful in the news feed) Follow EmuMovies on Facebook Join EmuMovies on Discord. Sega Dreamcast Video Snaps Updated (v1.3) Hello emulation fans, today we have an update for our Sega Dreamcast video snaps pack. This update includes 46 new video snaps bringing the set to 476 in total. As always continue past the preview for details on exactly what has changed. High Quality Sample High Quality (FTP, Sync) Resolution 640x480 Video Count 476 Total Size 3.64GB Frame Rate 60 Audio 192 kbit/s Standard Quality (Site, FTP, Sync) Resolution 320x240 Video Count 476 Total Size 1.16GB Frame Rate 30 Audio 128 kbit/s Update your videos today EmuMovies Website (SQ Only) Directly through your front-end or our app using EmuMovies Sync (HQ & SQ) EmuMovies File Server (FTP) (HQ & SQ) View all our updates on the EmuMovies FIles Feed (We only post a handful in the news feed) Follow EmuMovies on Facebook Join EmuMovies on Discord. Flashback Challenge Finally I return to writing and this one is a doozy.
Something has been bothering me for a while now and here I finally lay down my point of view with the state of gaming and retrogaming in general, grab your popcorn because I feel like a rant because I am in one of those moods. Gvox encore 5 full steps. Flashback Challenge! First off, I play most of my retrogames on emulation Because Collecting old consoles, carts and CD can be impractical due to space and Practicality of the tech breaking down over time and abuse. While old arcade machines find new life in specialised places which respect their heritage *cough* Arcade Club *cough*. Even the traveling circus of the replay events show us old arcade games have a part in the history of gaming. Even some of todays practices are based on the old nickel and diming of hard arcade games which ramped up the difficulty in order to get you to part with your money. Back then, it wasn't considered egregious for you to continue your games or simply play one more games.
Recently, however, Lady Decade asked in one of her recent videos, Is emulation ethical. That simple question has been a very grey area for years. Nintendo being one of the biggest culprits for copyright trolling.
Nintendo has been trying for years to control the narrative in terms of their gaming history for years. But why, have they no interest in celebrating their history from the humble beginings, starting with their game and watch series followed with the first stab at the home console market with the Nes and the Collection of games that do with it followed by their foray into the 16 bit market with the SNES Then every console that followed it. Nintendo didn't always make good decisions, Well without Nintendo ditching the CD add on that sony was developing we wouldn't have the Sony Playstation. Without these mistakes we wouldn't have had the innovations we got during the 90's.