Diablo 3 Reaper Of Souls Ps3 Save Editor
Yet again HUH? What I gather from your post is that trying to roll Affix 1-6 one at a time will not work. If you populate Affix 1, get a perfect roll, and then populate Affix 2 and reload, Affix 1 will be rerolled. I did not know if you could 'stick an Affix' if you duplicated them and then manually populated Affix 2. Reroll til perfect.
Tutorial on the CKY Save editor for PS3/PS4/Xbox 360/Xbox One (for beginners). Beyblade all seasons free download torrent. How to play Diablo. 2014-10-7 I put in a ton of time on Diablo Ros and am pretty much done with it. Just want to get the last few trophies and have it finished. Looking for the 500 bounties trophy,kill 100 treasure goblins,level 6 characters to level 70.
Reroll til perfect. I would guess that the Seed changes based on the number of Affixes, which Affixes, and what value they have been rolled. Seeds are associated with the item, not an individual Affix, right? A seed is a Randomly generated number that is used to SEED a random number generator. You should have a look in the raw data of the item for the seed and enchant seed.
If you could do what you where thinking you would have 7 seed values but there is only 2 seed values for 7 affixes. 1 for 6 and 1 for mystic. The path of least resistance robert fritz pdf book. Its a single UINT32 value that can be anything from 0 to 4.2 billion This has been discussed in detail on this forum just search for seed. CKY, Thank you for your timely response and the references to further my knowledge. Reiterating that there are two seeds makes the entire thing much clearer. However, I do want to candidly express my discontent with the level of tone in this forum. I am working on modding dmn hntr in cky editor but I've only been able to mod dex & vit in the core attributes.
Does anyone know how to mod strength and intelligence to max out to (10.). I've tried to adjust through raw tab in the character attributes but there are 34 attributes in the tab and I'm not sure any of them correspond to str/int, and I believe each character has its own list of attributes and it looks like each list is different for each character.I know that once gear is modded this will contribute to max stat but how can I adjust the base core attribute value??? You have to add them as attributes in the Raw tab to do so.
Check out MonksAreTheBest's post under 'How to make cool characters with visual/raw tab!' 776950080 -> Movement Speed 877273408 -> Life On Hit -879546048 -> Life Regeneration -895147712 -> Life Percent - -> Attack Speed 737493312 -> Critical Hit Chance -161611456 -> Critical Hit Damage 299651392 -> Area Damage - -> Cooldown Reduction 930300224 -> Resource Cost Reduction 831545664 -> Gold Find (Don't set this too high, you know what? Don't even bother modding this, can cause you to lag out of games online. Just mod your gold in your stash, seriously.) -> Resist All 402223424 -> Armour -> Max Spirit -> Max Mana - -> Max Wrath -> Max Hatred -> Max Fury -661155520 -> Max Arcane Power. Yes there are 2 seeds as CKY has mentioned. 1 that controls the mystic affix, and the other which relates to the front 6 affixes and the tier setting when dealing with armor.
Getting a perfect on the mystic is possible albeit time consuming. Not to say that getting a perfect on the front is impossible, but based on the sheer number of variables(range of each affix, # of affixes, etc) it is HIGHLY unlikely to be achieved. My Gem of Ease for example has been 'rolled' in excess of 40k times and there's still plenty of room for improvement.
What we know about seed values are that the affixes and tier are run through an unknown formula/algorithm to correspond to the in-game values. This 'formula' is unknown which is why it is impossible for the editor to discern between a 'good' roll and a 'bad' roll. Hopefully you find this insight helpful. As someone whom has a full time job, and a busy life aside from the gaming world, I find it a little disconcerting that someone as well versed in English as yourself would find the act of 'Learning' bothersome.

I have no programming education, just a passion to do the best at whatever it is I choose to do. So I've learned quite a bit in my effort to create better gear for myself and friends. It is no secret that CKY is known to be highly abrasive. I don't think its intentional, but he thinks like a programmer.