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974 Followers, 601 Following, 283 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from vitalina melnik (@melnik_vitalina). Programma mashinnoj vishivki jef format. Sitemap Pandoraopen.ru 2009.03.22 - 2010.12.07 http://pandoraopen.ru/2009-03-22/karty-zemli-posle.
Contents • • • • • • • • • • History [ ] Slavistics emerged in late 18th and early 19th century, simultaneously with among various and with ideological attempts to establish a common sense of Slavic community, exemplified by the. Among the first scholars to use the term was (1753-1829). The history of Slavic studies is generally divided into three periods. Until 1876 the early Slavists concentrated on documentation and printing of monuments of Slavic languages, among them the first texts written in national languages. At this time the majority of Slavic languages received their first modern, grammars and compendia. The second period, ending with, featured the rapid development of Slavic and, most notably outside of Slavic countries themselves, in the circle formed around (1821-1868) and around (1840-1916) at the. After Slavic studies scholars focused on, while the science continued to develop in countries with large populations having Slavic origins.
After there developed centres of Slavic studies, and much greater expansion into other humanities and social science disciplines in various universities around the world. Kolin de plansi infernaljnij slovarj. Indeed, partly due to the political concerns in Western European and the United States about the Slavic world nurtured by the, Slavic studies flourished in the years from World War II into the 1990s and remain strong, [ ] though university enrollments in Slavic languages have declined since the 1990s. Slavic countries and areas of interest [ ] • By country: •:,,, •:,,, •:,,, •:,,, •:,,, •:,,,, •:,, •: languages/dialects (,, ), literature (, ),, •:,,, •:,,, history ( and ) •:,,, •:,,, •:,,, • Other languages:,,,,, Notable people [ ] Historical. •, the author of an early scholarly work in Slavic studies • (1753–1829) from • (1780–1840) from • (1781–1864) from • (1787–1864) from • (1795–1861) from • (1804–1873) from • (1812–1880) from Russia • (1813–1891) from • (1818–1898) from • (1821–1868) from • (1825–1882) from • (1828–1869) from • (1835–1891) from Ukraine • (1838–1923) from • (1840–1916) from Germany • (1845–1929) from • [] (1848–1914) from Russia • (1856–1939) from eastern.