Video Konkurs Nudistok
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KONKURS Barbie Dreamtopia spot MiniMini+. History Talk (0) From Youtube. Created video: Metadata. This file contains additional information, probably added.
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The Gods Are Still Naked In Koktebel Traditions are important to the naturist community in the Crimea, and we witness the traditional idea of what is happening every second Saturday of August, the day known as Neptune. On this day, a large group of nudists going with the whole of Eastern Europe, in his own way to mark a dramatic and comic version of The Birth of Venus, as well as other ancient legends.
Therefore, and this time the film tries to show all the excitement and fun impromptu parties when body art artists begin their work with dozens of bodies of all shapes and ages. Then dramatic events unfold – each time in a different, though telling about the same. Again, we show why the gods are still naked, and why we hope that there will always be! •,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, •.
Very good quality both in image and substance known film studio Naturist Freedom. Everyone knows that the adherents of naturism, a very respected and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here in this movie MOM rented the gym, took with them the daughters and obsessing to self-improvement. Of course for the kids it’s more games and pampering, but at this age, and thus strengthens the body and a healthy mind.
What could be better than to work towards improving and hardening of the body when there is no constraining clothes and when you are in a circle of like-minded people!? The film vividly promotes family naturism and healthy lifestyle.