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There was a peasant farmer in old Russia. This poor farmer stood weeping by the side of the road.
He was a farmer with no land to farm and no food to feed his family. As he stood there, contemplating his bleak future, the Czar happened to pass by in his Royal Coach.
He saw the peasant, and the flow of tears rolling down this poor man’s face touched the Czar’s heart. So much so, that he asked the driver to stop so that he could inquire about the nature of this poor man’s misfortune.
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When he heard the whole problem was a lack of land to farm, he took a stake and drove it into the ground, right where they stood. He then gave the peasant three stakes and instructed him: “Walk as far as you wish and then drive this stake into the ground. Turn, walk again as far as you wish, and then place the next stake in the ground. Finally, turn again and walk as far as you’d like before placing the last stake in the ground. The land between the four stakes will be yours as a gift from me, the Czar. The man was overcome with joy and eagerly began to walk. After some time, he stopped and prepared to plant the stake in the ground.
He was about to shove it in when he paused and thought, “Why should I stop here? I can have so much more!” So he continued to walk. After some time, he stopped and he once again prepared to plant the stake in the ground. He was about to shove it in when he once again paused and thought, “Why should I stop here? I can have so much more!” So he continued to walk. And as the story goes, this man never stopped walking The powerful message from this story is clear; we have so much potential in our lives, but if we never sacrifice our potential in order to create something real, we will never accomplish anything! This connects to an important idea in this week’s parsha.
• Moshe and Betzalel Parshas Pekudei begins by stating that Betzalel built the Mishkan, the Tabernacle, according to the exact instructions that Hashem gave to Moshe. Chazal describe a critical debate that took place between Moshe and Betzalel regarding the proper way to construct the Mishkan. Moshe believed it best to first create the keilim, the actual utensils which would be used to serve Hashem, before then creating the Mishkan, the place within which to store them. Betzalel, however, thought it best to first create the actual structure of the Mishkan, and only then construct the inner content, the vessels. It would seem, at first glance, that Betzalel’s position is more intuitive. Smart adobe cc blocker mac.
It only makes sense to first create the container before filling it up with substance? The gemara indeed tells us that after hearing Betzalel’s argument, Moshe agreed that this was in fact the correct method. Therefore, when Betzalel built the Mishkan, he first constructed the outer structure and only afterwards built the inner content, the vessels. If, however, this is the obvious approach, why did Moshe initially reason that they should do the opposite? What exactly was this argument about? Furthermore, the passuk states that Betzalel built the Mishkan according to the exact instructions that Hashem gave Moshe. If these were in fact Moshe’s initial instructions, why would he have argued with Betzalel?
In order to understand this episode, we must first analyze the fundamental topic of potential and actualizing potential and see if there is something deeper here than meets the eye. • Potential vs.

Actual As the Maharal and others explain, there is an important relationship between the spiritual concepts of potential and actual. Potential is endless, multipotent, everything and anything. It has no boundaries, no borders, and no limitations. Something real, on the other hand, is limited, has borders, and is restricted only to what it is. Potential might be endless, but it’s not real.