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Wurlitzer lyric cornet serial numbers. I have an old family Wurlitzer brass trumpet with serial number 165065. I have an old family Wurlitzer brass trumpet with serial number 165065. I have an old family Wurlitzer brass trumpet with serial number 165065. Vintage Wurlitzer lyric cornet serial #9112. New Listing Vintage Wurlitzer Cornet, Lyric. Number of bids and bid amounts may be slightly out of date. The Wurlitzer Lyric was made by Conn in the late 1800 and early 1900. It was made with a.459 bore. If that serial number is Conn's serial number and not Wurlitzer's then that horn was manufactured in 1879. I have recently come into a playable Silver finish 'lyric' cornet by the wurlitzer company. I am trying to date it and find out if it is collectable. (worth anything) All the tuning slides work and it came from an old friend who played often. The serial is: P24166C. Also wondernig what note these are. This is one of the most unique older cornets I have ever seen. It is a 1921 Wulitzer Stencil manufactured by Conn's 2d subsidiary Pan American in Elkhart IN. By changing the tuning slide configuration (see pics), the cornet plays in the key of Bflat, C, or A(never was a great tranposer). I received this horn from my grandfather in the late 60's.