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Whether you are a student, a teacher, a blogger, SEO, or a website owner; Plagiarism CheckerX can help you deal with all duplication concerns. It is a handy tool crated to help you search and locate similar or identical content inside text documents and webpages. Browsing through 10 billion indexed pages in Google and Bing, it brings a detailed HTML report within a matter of seconds. The reporting format in itself is a great advantage for the viewers as it classifies different percentage of plagiarism with different color. Plagiarism CheckerX does not require you to upload your content; instead, you operate the tool right from desktop and no data is stored online. It provides online checking, cross comparison, bulk search, and keyword searching facility to multiple segments of the market. Normally, teachers and online publishers/editors have documents in groups and checking them takes a lot of time.
Such users can take advantage of 'bulk search' option and scan the entire group in one click. Search engine optimizers can cross check two documents relative to each other. Writers, bloggers and SEO experts can use Plagiarism CheckerX to check content quality, be it published or yet to go live. Simply paste URL of the published work into the pane and receive the results.