Obrazec Zhalobi Na Rabotu Gorodskogo Transporta
Gosduma perenesla perehod na onlajn kassy dlya samozanyatyh na 2019 god 189. Goszakupki ili kak zarabotat na gosudarstve; 196. Goszakupki ili kak zarabotat na gosudarstve 614. Gotovim rybnuyu zapekanku na uzhin - vsem horoshego vechera 1853. Gotovim salat prazdnichnyj 575. Grazhdanstvo singapura plyusy i minusy vid na zhitelstvo v singapure 1850. In large high-rise public housing projects in North America and Europe. In Leningrad's case, this pattern may also be explained in part by the relatively young age profile of residents of newer districts. For an account of crime problems in older central districts, see V. Tarasenko, 'Bydni militsii: Pogonia v nochi,' ibid., October 20, 1984, p.
Similar words: (1.00) (1.00) (1.00) (0.71) (0.67) transit Authority 1> upravlenie gorodskogo transporta (N'yu-'orka) transportation Corps 1> _am. Upravlenie voennyh soobshenii trans transportation noun transportirovka- transport trans- 1> _pref. Obrazuet slova so znacheniem: za, po druguyu storonu, prevyshenie _Ex: transarctic transarkticheskii _Ex: transgression prostupok, narushenie (zakona) _Ex: transmarine zamorskii 2> izmenenie, prevrashenie _Ex: transform transformirovat', preobrazovyvat' _Ex: transliteration transliteraciya trans-Siberian 1> transsibirskii _Ex: trans-Siberian Railroad transsibirskaya zheleznaya doroga trans-border 1> zagranichnyi 2> mezhdunarodnyi 3> _spec.
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Transgranichnyi (napr., o zagryaznenii sredy obitaniya) trans-frontier 1> _knizh. Zarubezhnyi, zagranichnyi trans-ship v.- naut.- railways; 1) peregruzhat'; 2) peresazhivat'(sya) trans-shipment noun- naut.- railways; 1) peregruzka; 2) peresadka trans-sonic adj. Okolozvukovoi- trans-sonic speed - okolozvukovaya skorost' trans.