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Happy Star Wars day! To celebrate our love for Star Wars we are giving away a sweet collection of 3D models that we built so you can learn to create your own visual effects! Our goal is to show you tips for Lighting, Rigging and animating so you can learn to create exciting visual FX too! These are not just some piece of junk models, these models are HD quality with detailed 4K textures! Plus they render fast inside Element 3D! Fast enough for you!
We had a blast creating this collection and we hope you will have fun playing with these models too! Just to be clear, we do not mean to imply any Star Wars endorsement or sponsorship, Star Wars was a huge inspiration to my visual FX education and we know it has inspired many others to learn about visual FX. Note: All scenes rendered inside Need Light Sabers or laser blasts?
Use our Included Models: OBJ with DDS Textures and optional JPG files! • Tie Fighter • Imperial Corridor Pieces • Luke Saber • Obi-Wan Saber • Darth Vader Saber • R2-Unit • BB-Unit • X-Wing • Tatooine Moisture Vaporator *Some of the names included on this page are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm. DOWNLOAD STAR WARS MODEL PACK! (Place in Video Copilot model folder) Alternate Textures Files: Need some LightSabers or Laser blasts? Thanks Andrew and VC crew for the fun freebies!!
First thing I tried was rigging BB8 with aux channels, but they didn't work correctly. I hadn't realized aux channels 1&2 were already set, because they don't show up in the drop-down, within Element's Scene UI. Regardless, BB8's head axises with itself (instead of his body) so I hit RESET within the Effects Pallet, but those undeclared Aux Channels would not clear. However, they DO clear within Element's Scene Setup UI.
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Just right click on the model layer and select Reset Aux Animation. NOW you can rig BB8's head to axis his body. Hope that helps someone out there.and thanks again! Andrew and the VC team, thanks for this!
One question - the textures are in a Direct X format (.dds) for which there is no native support on the Mac. I am hoping for one of the following: - One of you at VC to convert and post the textures in a more universal standard (png, jpg, tiff, targa, etc) - A representative of VC to grant permission for someone else here to do that and post a link - A heads up on a solid, reliable utility for Mac that will allow me to do this myself. Everything I have found looks a bit sketchy. Cheers and thank you!
Hansa 3d super wash. Film Leaders 2.0 Generator A powerful plug-in allowing the user to seemingly adjust most aspect of this unique effect. By controlling the different parameters, you choose.
3D Text Overlays For FCP X featuring 25 Titles templates each with unique animated textures and the ability to add your own media as a 'Projection Map'. XLayers A pack of templates for FCPX, which includes 12 new effects and 7 generators designed for music video, promos, sport, travel, news, corporate productions and more. Shuffle 1.1 A set of 14 templates enabling you to create dynamic image shuffle transitions in an instant! Animate your clips or images by making them slide, zoom or even randomly move accross. Spectrum A bundle of 2 very customisable generators for all hosts supported by FxFactory designed to create stylized light and color effects. Light Effect Generator can be used either to create. GraphiText Transitions a set of 7 templates for Final Cut Pro X enabling the user to create dynamic and complex transitions with ease adding text, media and mographes.
Light Kit 2.0 A set of 16 stylish plugins offering a wide range of light and image enhancement tools are now available for Final Cut Pro X, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects and Motion 5 users. Lo-Fi Look Effect Create intriguing and elegant vintage looks as well as moody and surreal atmospheres. VJ Tools for FCP X Here's a brand new plugin for FCPX allowing the user to create and customize an enormous variety of motion graphics to edit against any type of music. Suitable for music videos, concerts, VJ sessions, docs, presentations and much more.