Guitar Rig 5 Metal Preset Metallica Master Of Puppets Bass
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Artist: Paul Turner Submitted By: Required Gear: Colonel Vintage, 4x10 Colonel Vintage, Noise Gate, Echology, Ensembly, Workhorse 57 This is just an experiment (on going) to get as close as possible to the sound on the track. Paul Turner plays it with a physical pedal called 'You're Doom' Presumably the makers have a bad grip of English.
Alas, the pedal sounds badass. However he has it set up. It's really buzzy and flat sounding at the low end, while getting gradually more natural (more of the original bass tone) can be heard when playing higher pitches. Artist: John Carpenter Submitted By: Required Gear: Peavy 3120, 4x12 Taos Rectifier, Noise Gate, Elevenizer, Workhorse 58 Here is my take on John Carpenter's Escape From New York Theme. There is a total of four different AmpKit Configurations since I recorded four guitars for this song. Besides the provided kit for download, I used three additional configurations for the guitars recorded on the left and right channels.
Metallica Master Of Puppets. ByLazarusMaximusc MOP preset. High gain, scooped-mid, metal tone using a post-amp 5 band Graphic EQ for. See the New Duff McKagan P Bass and '62 Princeton Chris Stapleton. Acoustic Guitars Find A Dealer Forums Online Guitar Tuner Tuner App.
Distortion Guitar Configurations: a) Right Channel Configuration: Metal Licker Dirt (main one provided for download). B) Left Channel Configuration: Modern Metal Lead with Echology and Delay pedals added.
Clean Guitar Configurations: a) Left Channel Configuration: The Moon (Light Side). B) Right Channel Configuration: Metal Licker Clean with Echology and Delay pedals added.
Artist: Submitted By: Required Gear: Ashdown ABM 900, 4x10 American Bass King, The Juicer, Noise Gate, Mountain Blue, Octapuss, Rocktron Zombie Rectified Distortion, Workhorse 57 This is a variation of my 'Master! Basically just an Octapuss pedal tacked onto the end of the chain. Turn the Octapuss off and you have 'Master!
All over again, no need to download both. With the Octapuss at the end of the pedal chain, you can still pull off power chords without them sounding too muddied the way they would if the pedal appeared earlier in the chain.
For anyone looking for metal with that certain 'something' extra. That certain edge. This is your rig. This is one of the heaviest things I've ever heard. Perfect for that Cannibal Corpse classic, 'Hammer Smashed Face'! Artist: James Hetfield Submitted By: Required Gear: Ashdown ABM 900, 4x10 American Bass King, The Juicer, Noise Gate, Mountain Blue, Rocktron Zombie Rectified Distortion, Workhorse 57 I've tried a number of preset tones and downloads for that certain Metallica sound, but found them all a bit too reverb-y/echo-y for my own personal taste. Chrysler pais 4 keygen serial. I threw together this rig almost at random one day, and holy moly I just gotta say.
This IS Master of Puppets! This is just one incredible, robust, thumping/roaring metal riffer's dream! You've got to try this!

Re: Share your settings - Spider III by on 2007-04-27 00: I use this for The Cult, Wild Flower, with my guitar volume on 10. For another Cult song, Love Removal Machine, I use the exact same amp settings, but I turn the volume on my guitar down to about 6, to lesson the overdrive.
For Fire Woman, I use another channel with the same settings, and add a little delay with a slower blink. I also use the same setting for Jet, Cold Hard B*t*h, and for the intro, I turn my guitar volume all the way down, to about 2 or 3, then turn it up to 6 or 7 for the heavier parts. I need to experiment more for STP songs, Sex Type Thing, Crackerman, and Dumb Love. I'll probably base it off of the Metal Green. Re: Share your settings - Spider III by on 2007-07-04 20: Yeah LesPaulman, thats another great Marshall sound,thanks. I played a few Jimi Hendrix songs such as 'Fire', 'Purple Haze', and 'Red House' with that setting.a great sound for Jimi's style. (btw with that setting I used a Fender american deluxe strat with SCN [Samarium Cobalt Noiseless] pickups, the S-1 switching button pushed in [basically transforms the single coil pickups into humbuckers, because the pickups are wired both ways], and both the neck and bridge pickup tone control knobs set at 10) Line 6 does a good job with the Spider's modeling of Marshall amps, as compared to a few other amp brands models.
I'll post some of my settings when I get the chance, after I get back from Nashville. Message was edited by: FenderAvenger. Re: Share your settings - Spider III by on 2007-07-11 10: Hey guys i got quite a few presets ive copied of artists - heres a few for you guys. Ive counted the first dot as 0 Matt Heafy, Trivium [Really Nice Distortion] Insane Red Drive - 7 Bass - 5 Mid - 6 Treble - 7 Volume - 10 Reverb - 0 Fx - None Zakk Wylde [Black Label Society, Ozzy Osbourne Band] Insane Red Drive - 10 Bass - 5 Mid - 6 Treble - 5 Volume - 10 Reverb - 0 Fx - None Ray Toro [My Chemical Romance] Metal Green Drive - 7 Bass - 9 Mid - 7 Treble - 9 Volume - 10 Reverb - 2 Fx - None John Frusciante [Red Hot Chili Peppers] Crunch Green Drive - 3 Bass - 5 Mid - 5 Treble - 5 Volume - 10 Reverb - 2 Fx - None Thats all for now, hope they help! Re: Share your settings - Spider III Hendrix and Channel Volume by on 2007-08-12 19: Does anyone have any good hendrix sounds? I am looking specifically for some to use with my wah pedal on voodoo chile and some of his mid gain solos.