Free Download Crystal Report 9 For Vb6 String
I have a program that is written and complied in vb6 and uses crystal reports version I am connecting to a SQL 2005 database and using the Crystal Report Viewer for the reports. Everything is written in an XP environment and has been running in XP for years with no problems. I recently received a request to run on Windows 7 32 bit. I modified the install and things have gone well with VB6 and SQL 2005, but Crystal Reports is giving the following error Run-time error ‘- (80047288)’ Server has not yet been opened. I know the database connection is open and fine, because VB6 is able to fill drop down boxes with information from the database. My development computer is setup with 2 hard drives.
One boots to XP and the other boots to windows 7 64 bit. When I run the program that has been installed on the Windows 7 drive from the XP drive everything works fine. (example: from the c: drive of XP move to D: drive that is Windows 7 and run the program.
Crystal Reports is included with Visual Basic 6 and allows the user to generate reports based on databases generated within Visual Basic. The method of. VB6 and Crystal Reports 9. Torrent the office season 6. I have some old VB6 code that runs crystal reports. I have desinged and have a new crystal report that I wish to add to a new vb6 app. Crystal does not use the VB connection string. When you create a report it creates its own connection that is stored with the report. Try it for free Edge Out The Competition.
) If the same program is connected to an Access database in the Windows 7 environment, there is no problem with the reports. I hope there is an easy fix for this. For another problem. On windows 7 64 bit I am unable to install SQL 2005 32 bit. It errors out with not being able to connect to the database during the install. If I cannot install the 32 bit SQL 2005 on Windows 2005 how can I setup a connection string that would see the SQL server I have on the XP drive from the Windows 7 drive. Is this possible.
I am a developer and know I am going to be facing these questions a lot in the future. My clients are slow to change operating systems and definitely to change program platforms. Thanks ahead for your answers to my problems Suzanne Lechner.
Hi, I have an application which uses Crystal reports and VB.NET. The application generates reports using crystal reports. I need to set the file summary information such as Author,Ttitle,Comments etc dynamically to the exported file How can we set the file Summary information (Summary tab-Document properties) dynamically for the exported file? The files are exported in rtf,pdf,excel and doc format (No OLE File Property Reader- because i have to set the summary information for non Microsoft files also) Thanks Ranjith. Ranjithkp, It seems that the problem has no relationship with the Crystal Reports product. According to the demand on setting file summary information especially the Word document including rtf, doc, I would like to provide you an article on the issue and hope that can help you with the problem: Reading and Writing Custom Document Properties in Microsoft Office Word 2003 with Microsoft Visual Basic.NET Document properties in Microsoft Office Word 2003 provide a way to describe a document. Custom properties extend this ability by allowing you to define your own properties.
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