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Ok, so I'm floundering in my Econ 507 class cause of baby mama drama, too many units (18) and other shit going on in my life. So I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of anyone buying this program? Even though I can find all the answers on my calculator already, sometimes I just don't know the middle steps and I get fucking marked down to shit. I even came up with my own method to find answers (inflection points being critical values, where decreasing returns to scale goes into effect) and the dumb bitch thought I was wrong. I had to come up with a whole sheet of proofs and she still wouldn't give me full credit because I didn't write on the paper the second derivative (triple in this case), even when everyone knows that a negative sign in front of the highest power determines if you have a max or min function (was cubic, x + x^2 -x^3, gives a max).
I was literally teaching a woman with a PhD, fucking ridiculous. So basically, I can get all the answers and know what's going on, but because I don't have every single line on my paper, I'm doing horrible.
So, anyone heard of this, used it, etc? If you know how to show the work, show the work and stop whining. If you don't, which seems likely, learn. If you can't perform the coursework properly (which in this case means being able to do it without telling your 89 to do it for you), you shouldn't pass.
If you were legitimately too busy and run down from other stuff in your life, you could've/should've had a conversation about that with the prof. And she's probably have let you withdraw or whatever other concession is available.
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But she's a dumb bitch obviously so that ship has probably sailed. Baz wrote:Sounds like you are taking Calc I. It isn't that hard to show all of your work. I'm surprised the professor even lets you use a Ti89.
All i get to use is a standard scientific calculator. Just because you can punch buttons on your calculator doesn't mean you understand any of it.
Even this is considered lucky at my school. I don't get a calculator for ANY of my math courses. Calc, Algebra, nothing, they want it all done by hand.
Any monkey can punch an equation into a graphing calculator and get results back, but it doesn't mean you understand what is going on. Edit: derivatives are quite simple and straightforward if you spend a little time learning the basic rules of how to work with them: Product, Quotient, Power/Extended Power and Chain rules. Even trig derivatives aren't too bad, just a little memorization and you've got them down. But if you learn the basic rules of differentiation you can apply them to figure out just about anything they're gonna throw at you (assuming you're taking relatively intro-level calculus).
Psycho_Man152 wrote:Even this is considered lucky at my school. I don't get a calculator for ANY of my math courses. Calc, Algebra, nothing, they want it all done by hand. Any monkey can punch an equation into a graphing calculator and get results back, but it doesn't mean you understand what is going on. Edit: derivatives are quite simple and straightforward if you spend a little time learning the basic rules of how to work with them: Product, Quotient, Power/Extended Power and Chain rules. Even trig derivatives aren't too bad, just a little memorization and you've got them down.
But if you learn the basic rules of differentiation you can apply them to figure out just about anything they're gonna throw at you (assuming you're taking relatively intro-level calculus) My last calc class only allowed a very basic calculator, not differentiation button/ programmability. Once you practice derivatives a lot, they're quite easy.