Batang Che Shrift

  понедельник 12 ноября

My Fellow Malaysians, Syed Hamid Al-Blur, the Minister of Home Affairs, has blurted out again, threatening Malaysians, starting with Blogger Doyen, Raja Petra Kamaruddin of Malaysia-today, with the use of the draconian Internal Security Act for expressing our views and for dissentingly speaking up on issues of concern to our country. We are not the enemies of the Malaysian state. The indiscriminate use of state assets (the Police, the Special Branch and the FRU) and the compliant mainstream media will not work as occasions in the past (BERSIH, Hindraf and political rallies) have shown. Public reaction has been negative and as a result, we have the most unpopular government in our nation’s 51 year history.

Even Che Det is looking like an Angel. Just compare the first 5 years (1981-1986) of the Mahathir Administration with that of Badawi’s (2003-2008).

Yes, we are aware that we have an all powerful but morally discrepit government led by the incompetent Prime Minister, Abdullah Badawi. This government forgets two things: 1) We the rakyat voted them on March 8, 2008 but denied them the 2/3rd majority in Parliament and rejecting UMNO-Barisan Nasional in 5 states (Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor, and Kelantan). If the elections were clean, fair and transparent, it would have been a different story today. The Minister himself would have joined the ranks of unemployables; and 2) Threats no longer scare the ordinary citizen who is struggling with his daily existence because the present government has messed up the economy with frivolous spending of the rakyat’s tax ringgits on buying voters and campaign financing, and mega projects which only benefit political cronies and proxies. We are all fed up with this culture of impunity and are impatiently waiting for a peaceful regime change. Let us hope good sense will prevail and Minister Syed Al-Blur moderates his comments and acts with high sense of responsibility and Raja Petra will not be harmed. This grandson of Penang’s First Governor, Raja Tun Uda and the cousin of our respected His Royal Highness, The Sultan of Selangor Darul Ehsan has done great service to our country.

He raised our level of awareness about rampant corruption and abuse of power and often stood alone in the face of an increasingly repressive power of the government led by UMNO, in whom we have entrusted our future and those of our future generations. It will, in my humble opinion, be a day of infamy when Raja Petra is taken in again under the Internal Security Act for standing up on our behalf. Erotske price animal planet online. I have decided that I should not depend on our Prime Minister, Abdullah Badawi to do what is right and do it right. He has failed to act even in normal times, and I cannot in all sincerity depend on him to act in our national interest in times of impending crisis.

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—Din Merican Syed Hamid: ISA can be used on Raja Petra September 6, 2008 Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar said controversial blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin could be charged under the Internal Security Act for comments allegedly insulting Islam and Prophet Muhammad. MCPX Raja Petra, who edits popular news portal Malaysia Today, is being investigated after several religious groups – Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim), Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim), Federal Territory Islamic Religious Council (Maiwp) and Federal Territory Religious Department (Jawi) – lodged police reports against him. “The probe and action should be expedited so that he will realise his mistakes and learn to respect Islam,” said Syed Hamid, adding that Raja Petra would face action if the authorities found he had committed the offence. The religious groups had complained that his comment in an article entitled “I Promise to be a good, non-hypocritical Muslim”, Raja Petra allegedly used sentences that insulted Muslims. Raja Petra is also alleged to have allowed comments to appear on his website that degraded Islam and Prophet Muhammad in an article entitled “Not all Arabs are descendants of the Prophet”.

“The action taken by the religious agencies is in line with the law because his (Raja Petra) actions to use obscene and bad words for Prophet Muhammad is clearly in contradiction of the law,” Syed Hamid said in a Bernama report. Media council to be reviewed Raja Petra has claimed he does not own the news website, but Syed Hamid said the former still had to be responsible for the contents published as he had always made himself appear as the sole representative for the portal. On a related development, Syed Hamid said the establishment of a media council should be reviewed due to the “daringness” shown lately by bloggers, who dared to put themselves above the law. Media practitioners had protested the establishment of the council.